Repair, Recover, Rejuvenate

FLOWpresso® Logo

The flowPRESSO® system is a breakthrough non-invasive therapy that delivers a 3-in-1 sensory treatment to enhance physical and mental wellbeing, restoring health via an innovative bodysuit. flowPRESSO® helps to restore the natural biological balance allowing you to repair, recover and rejuvenate, enhancing your mental and physical well-being.

Woman receiving a FLOWpresso® therapy session

Click the image to watch a short video to learn about the flowPRESSO® experience and see what session is like

flowPRESSO® benefits:

  • Increase lymphatic system flow and drainage

  • Increase circulation

  • Increase energy and reduce fatigue

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Enhance mobility and flexibility

  • Improve sleep quality and length

  • Reduce stress

  • Improve self-esteem and minimize strong emotional response

  • Support weight management

  • Restore balance and support your body’s innate self-healing mechanisms

  • Athletic performance & recovery


What is flowPRESSO® 3-in-1 therapy?

Graphic of FLOWpresso® 3-in-1 therapy: deep pressure therapy, compression, and far infrared heat.

A FLOWpresso® session in progress.

flowPRESSO® encourages the body to reach a new sense of normality and achieve optimal wellness by supporting your autonomic nervous system and restoring the body to a state of balance and improved physiological functioning.

It is clinically proven to be effective in reducing fatigue, increasing energy, improving sleep, sharpening focus and concentration, as well as reducing stress and anxiety.

flowPRESSO® is a low-risk natural therapy that can easily integrate into your health, medical and wellness approach.



    • FLOWpresso® sessions are scheduled for 50 minutes. The active time in the flowPRESSO® suit is 20 to 40 minutes, depending upon your comfort level.

      Throughout your personalized journey a fully trained flowPRESSO® practitioner will be available to adjust and customize the bodysuit and programming so you will feel comfortable, relaxed and secure.​

    • People typically notice a lymphatic reset in 3 sessions, and a nervous system reset in 6 sessions.

    • With a lymphatic system and nervous system reset, you are likely to experience better quality sleep, easing of digestive issues, more balanced libido, a greater sense of calm, less reactive in stressful situations, a brighter mood, improved ability to cope with and manage stress, and a greater ability to focus and concentrate.

    • If you have a chronic illness, autoimmune issues, chronic stress, have experienced multiple stressful events, or are dealing with an ongoing highly stressful situations (eg. caregiving, heightened work stress, relationship changes, long-term legal issues) it may take longer for your nervous system to learn to regulate. Typically, 10-12 sessions are optimal in this situation.

    • If you are an active athlete, we recommend a sport recovery flowPRESSO® session after major training sessions or athletic events. Three lymphatic focused sessions are necessary to improve flow before receiving sports recovery sessions.

    • flowPRESSO® sports recovery sessions are more intense and deeper compression that can support changes in the muscles, fascia, and soft tissue of the body.

    • It is possible to receive flowPRESSO® sessions as often as twice a week - with at least 3 days between each session

    • We recommend flowPRESSO® sessions once a week for a series of weeks​. This allows for continued increase in flow and time for integration before the next session.

    • As the session starts, you will feel a gentle squeezing sensation as the air chambers of the bodysuit inflate and deflate, moving from your feet towards your torso.

    • flowPRESSO® therapy encourages flow and circulation through your body while fostering a deep sense of tranquility.

    • During treatment, you may experience clarity, mindfulness, and relaxation; many people even fall asleep in the warm, safe, and peaceful space and comfort of a flowPRESSO® sessions​

    • It's a good idea to come to your session well hydrated and bring extra water for after your session.

    • Please wear loose clothing including long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and socks which cover your feet and ankles.

    • Be sure to use the restroom before your session as it is not easy to pause for a bathroom break once you are in the suit.

    • This would NOT be an appropriate treatment for you if you currently have:

      - Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

      - Congestive Heart Failure

      - Acute Inflammation (i.e. phlebitis)

      - skin infections with open/weeping wounds

      - Bone breaks or fractures

      - Known blood clots

      - Renal (kidney) failure

    • If you have any of the following, you may be a candidate for flowPRESSO® sessions with written approval by your primary medical doctor: cancer, post-cancer treatment, medical/electrical implants, pacemaker, and stents.​ Contact 6 Harmonies directly before booking.

  • A major feature of the flowPRESSO® session is that we adjust the suit and session to conform specifically to your needs.

    It’s possible to experience effective flowPRESSO® sessions with shorter sessions to start and slowly increasing the length of the session as you feel more comfortable.

    It’s also possible to have one or more limbs free, your abdomen free, or even start with only your feet and/or legs wrapped for your flowPRESSO® sessions.

6 Harmonies is flowPRESSO® Certified

We are proud to be the first and only certified flowPRESSO® center in the South Bay.